Wednesday 18 May 2011

How to Identify the Qualities of a Good Roommate

updated: January 12, 2011
How to Identify the Qualities of a Good Roommatethumbnail
Identifying the qualities in a good roommate depends on your own personal needs.
Finding a roommate can often pose a challenge; finding a roommate that you're compatible with can pose an even bigger challenge. That's often because people are individuals with unique living habits and needs: some people abhor dirty dishes in the sink, other people like the ease of doing dishes when they feel like it. Finding a roommate that you're compatible with means finding someone who is compatible with your own set of idiosyncrasies. However, your search for a roommate will be easier if you identify early on the qualities of a good roommate for your particular character and habits.


Interview people you know who already have roommates or who have had the experience living with a roommate. Ask them about their likes and dislikes, things they enjoyed an that bothered them about the experience and note down answers that you find relevant to yourself. 

Visualize your ideal roommate. Write down the qualities that this person would have. For some people, a quiet, tidy person is most important. For others, a social, outgoing roommate would be ideal. Write down at least 10 characteristics.

Look at your list and circle the qualities that you absolutely cannot live without. It's unlikely that you'll find a roommate that meets all of these qualities, and that's why you need to pinpoint that qualities that will make a roommate good for you. For example, some people will insist on a nonsmoking roommate. Others might require that a roommate have steady work.

Write down a list of your personal likes and dislikes. Circle the likes and dislikes that you are most passionate about. Bear in mind that a roommate that is best for you will most likely share some of your likes and dislikes. For example, you'll probably want a roommate who loves animals if you're a member of PETA.

Write down basic characteristics that all of your friends share. If you take time to think about it, all or most of your friends probably share some of the same aspects. These aspects are most likely qualities that, whether you're aware of it or not, are extremely important to you. For example, perhaps most of your friends follow the golden rule, or all of your friends are very communicative.


  1. Qualities of a Good Roommate
    By an eHow Contributor

    The concept of a roommate can be both an exciting and daunting prospect. This is the person you will be living with at close quarters. While the qualities of a "good roommate" are subjective, there are several basic qualities they should possess.

    The Ability to Communicate

    Communication is an important aspect to living together. Verbalize your wishes, house rules, expectations, etc., from the outset. Make sure she does the same. This way, the two of you will know what is expected of you and avoid miscommunication.

    The Ability to Listen

    Say you have noticed that your roommate isn't the most cleanly person in the world. A good roommate would listen to your complaint and be willing to make changes.

    The Ability to Compromise

    Even if your roommate doesn't agree with what you say, he should possess the ability to compromise to reach a solution to a conflict. This will keep things running smoothly in your apartment.

    Sharing the Workload

    It is also important that you and your roommate divide housework evenly between the two of you. If she is not willing to do her share of the housework, then she is not a good roommate.

    Kindness and Consideration

    You and you're roommate certainly don't have to be best of chums, but kindness is essential to any roomie relationship. Are you pulling an all-nighter studying for an exam? He should be willing to take extra care in being quiet for your study time. Kindness is also essential-- remember the golden rule and things should go very smoothly.

  2. How to Find a Roommate - Find a Roommate You Can Live With

    By Ron Leshnower, Guide

    "Compatible Roommates" - Living with a great roommate is its own reward

    Many people who don't want to rent an apartment alone aren't sure how to find a roommate they can live with. There are compelling reasons for wanting to live with a roommate. A roommate can provide companionship (you'll never come home to an empty apartment), convenience (you'll have someone to look out for your place, pets, and mail when you're away), and savings (you'll split the rent and utilities). However, if you're not careful, roommates can also create problems.

    Fortunately, you can prevent problems by taking action before you even begin your apartment search. Here are some resources and smart tips to help you find a roommate you can live with:
    Deciding Whether You Want a Roommate

    First things first! Before you go about looking for the perfect roommate, you need to decide whether having a roommate is really what you want. There are solid reasons to live with roommates, but there are also strong arguments for living alone.
